Time has flown by this past week, and I can't really think where it's gone. In lieu of having anything interesting to write about; here are some photos of the person you probably are most interested in anyway :)Simeon has been pulling himself up on furniture, etc. for a few weeks now and he's taken to typing out messages to his fans. Unfortunately he distracts easily, and rarely has time to finish his letters. Pity.
He's also very suspicious of observers - such as his mommy.
Sean has been VERY busy the last couple of weeks and frankly my only excuse for not blogging is not feeling up to it. I haven't been sick, I've just been discouraged. American politics are everywhere and as usual I'm fascinated by their election (I'm trying to get into ours and I will, but it's hard when it feels like we just had one last month. But anyway.) I shouldn't be surprised by the antics especially when the last two elections have been such fiascoes but once again they've managed to shock me with their blatant lies - THAT PEOPLE GLADLY SWALLOW! Let's look at this little gem that the Republicans have come up with at an event that was sponsored by Dr. Dobson and other lovely evangelical Christians - like these two entrepreneurs.
I especially like how they're still spouting the propaganda that Obama is a Muslim because he wore Kenyan dress. Real global thinkers. I am disturbed by the actions of "Christians" in the Republican Party - this is a very mild example. I do not understand why candidates (like Sarah Palin) are so admired just because they say abortion is wrong. Bush has been saying it for 8 years and abortions haven't gone down one bit - how long will this line work?!? So, I may have to rant from time to time in order to keep my sanity. Oh yeah, and another interesting thing I learned about Dr. Dobson today: He circulated a letter to get Richard Cizik (VP for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals) to resign because Cizik believed that environmental issues should be part of the Evangelical political agenda. Nice work Jimmy.
A couple of weeks ago Sean discovered the Sheldon Point Trail (it's on the way to the Irving Nature Park) so we went there as a family last weekend. These flowers were lining the path for about 250 meters and we happened to see this bee flying around collecting pollen. The pollen was stuck all over her body and you can see it on her leg in the picture. The hairs it sticks to are also referred to as plumose. By the way, does anyone know the name of the flower? It's seed pods explode if you roll them between your fingers.This leaf got caught by a thread of one of the webs farther down the trail and Sean enjoyed the floating effect it produced. And here's Simeon; having a great time on his new perch. If you can't tell the tree has grown on top of a boulder and the roots extend down to the ground. He had a ball.
The weekend before last we were invited to go boating with the Simpsons. It was Simeon's first time in a boat but he didn't think much of the life jacket we got him.
He was much happier without - don't worry we kept a tight hold on him. It was a little choppy in places and Simeon liked the motion so much that he would rock back and forth when he found the ride too smooth.
We tied up for a little while to watch the dragon boat races and the boys took a dip.It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time, especially Simeon who was quite doted on :)