Monday, February 11, 2008

570 minutes

Our little man gave us a wonderful gift last night...sleep. A blissful 9&1/2 hours! And he's quite the morning person too! (Must be from Sean's side) ;)
Before he goes to sleep at night we swaddle him which has worked out very well (thanks for the tip Loralee!) - not that it's sunshine and roses every night, but overall we have nothing to complain about. So, the tube top he's got on is actually the swaddling blanket that he'd managed to squirm out of when he decided it was time to rise and shine!

Here's a pic of Simeon and his Pa saying goodnight.Sweet dreams everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's WONDERFUL, guys!! I am so pleased that the little one gave you enough sleep!! Sleep-deprivation sucks.
The pictures are wonderful, and I love the one of Sean and his son saying good-night. SO cute!