Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Picnic at the Park

A few weeks ago we went for a walk at the Irving Nature Park (we've got a lot of catching up to do with our posts, I know). Well, we had a false start on Saturday when we packed our lunch, stroller, etc. etc. etc. only to find out in the parking lot that we (ahem, Sean) forgot the handle for the stroller. But on Sunday we were back with all our gear in tow. It was a bit cloudy, but great Saint John weather for April. We ate our lunch of bread, meat, cheese and apples on the beach- Simeon seemed particularly fond of the apples:Simeon warned us of some approaching danger so we decided to skedaddle--but not before a short photo-op with daddy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One is a little slow today...I've just spent two hours reading an account of a gentlewoman who escaped from the French Revolution with her life but little else, and who took up as a governess in England until the Restoration. She seems to have had such sympathetic ideas for raising and educating children as to make you two proud...VERY ahead of her time...anyway, I digress. Point is, what was the danger? An animal? The weather? I love the shot of Sean and Simeon! The little guy is growing up SO fast!! <><