For the past couple of months we've been back and forth between our family doctor, pediatrician and dietitian with regard to Felicity and her weight (or should I say, lack thereof). When she was born she was 9lbs 1oz; at 8 months she was only 12lbs. This, along with a bad initial consult from the pediatrician, had us very concerned. After a month of worrying and imagining the worst, we're very happy to report that she is doing very well. As it turns out, she's just a petite miss who will grow when she decides and not when we want :) She has gained a few ounces as of her last appointment and she has a great appetite.
We would really appreciate your prayers that she'll continue to gain and we want to praise God that all her test results have come back normal. All the doctors have been great and are supportive of nursing rather than trying to push formula to make her gain weight.
Our little girl is just that...little. And that's okay.
Ruth, your cousin Christa was very much the same, and always looked at least a year younger than she was. I guess you wouldn't remember that. Anyway, it didn't slow her down any; she was an explorer at the age of 3. Never did grow much. Felicity looks great.
I'm glad to know that Felicity is ok after all; was a tad concerned there for a bit. Sean was right; hehee, he DOES have more hair that I've seen on him in a few years! Looks good though. With regard to the Passion Play, break a leg eh! <><
Marilyn, thanks for sharing that about Christa. It helps to know that not everyone follows the charts the doctors are so fond of ;)
Aron - the first performance is Sunday night, I'll pass on your good wishes!
Hey Ruth, We've dealt with similar issues on a smaller scale (no tests, just constant weighing) with Abigail for the last bit. I will definitely pray for you. I tend to agree with what you guys have already found - some babies are just tiny. Looking forward to meeting her at some point in the next few months :)
Sweet! Thanks, Ruth! Pics...? :) <><
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