Friday, September 19, 2008


Sean has been VERY busy the last couple of weeks and frankly my only excuse for not blogging is not feeling up to it. I haven't been sick, I've just been discouraged. American politics are everywhere and as usual I'm fascinated by their election (I'm trying to get into ours and I will, but it's hard when it feels like we just had one last month. But anyway.) I shouldn't be surprised by the antics especially when the last two elections have been such fiascoes but once again they've managed to shock me with their blatant lies - THAT PEOPLE GLADLY SWALLOW! Let's look at this little gem that the Republicans have come up with at an event that was sponsored by Dr. Dobson and other lovely evangelical Christians - like these two entrepreneurs.

I especially like how they're still spouting the propaganda that Obama is a Muslim because he wore Kenyan dress. Real global thinkers. I am disturbed by the actions of "Christians" in the Republican Party - this is a very mild example. I do not understand why candidates (like Sarah Palin) are so admired just because they say abortion is wrong. Bush has been saying it for 8 years and abortions haven't gone down one bit - how long will this line work?!?
So, I may have to rant from time to time in order to keep my sanity. Oh yeah, and another interesting thing I learned about Dr. Dobson today: He circulated a letter to get Richard Cizik (VP for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals) to resign because Cizik believed that environmental issues should be part of the Evangelical political agenda. Nice work Jimmy.


Anonymous said...

right on!..I've been ranting about the "right-wings" conservative evangelicals of the republican party for years..If you're southern,white and a "good ole boy" your in,(can you say RED NECK!)

In another land said...

Great post! Do you know why USA would never take over Canada - 20 million democrats live here. I can't believe the polls are so close. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if Gore had won 8 years ago?

Cricket on the Hearth said...

Thanks for your comments. Sean was a little nervous when he saw how I let loose so it's good to see that there are like minded people out there. I do wonder how things would be now if Gore had won (I just saw a really good movie called Recount - it's a real eye opener as to what happened in 2000). Growing up there was never a real party loyalty fanaticism in our house - voting was a personal thing that didn't effect how we saw each other and I think they need more of that in the States. I think a lot of people vote republican b/c of family pressure and tradition. Something you might not expect is that I'm leaning towards voting for the Conservatives in October - we'll see. Whatever I choose I'll always put country above party and that's the bottom line for me.

Unknown said...

How about a regular column entitled 'Ruthie's Rant'?

Anonymous said...

Hehe, well...
You HAD to know this would be coming from me...
I always voted Conservative because that is the way that the Family has voted for generations. Tradition and all...Sigh. But the last several elections I did not neccessarily do so, I went with what seemed better for the country instead of the Family. And oh, was there a lebbie-to-do, lol! This time leaning back towards Conservative, but not sure just yet. I do know one thing, the attack ads turn me off. Tell me what you're going to do and how, not how bad the other party/person is going to screw it all up!
Ruthie's Rant, lol, good idea.
It does embarress one as a Christian sometimes the way that the far right sometimes goes about things. Wild-eyed sign swingers anyone?! Though it's unfair to tar them all with the same brush...mostly.

Anonymous said...

Soooo...when ya' gonna post more about Barton?

Anonymous said...

American Christians actually see faith and life as one and the same. Novel idea. A conservative platform is usually closer to a biblically mandated worldview, i.e. sanctity of life, marriage, small government, religious freedom, etc. No party or candidate should ever satisfy a Christian, because our standards should be very high, but the Democrat liberalism in the U.S. could not be further from Christian ideology. There is no excuse to vote this way if you take your faith seriously at all. I personally would vote for Ron Paul, if he was actually a candidate, because he is a true conservate. Bush is NOT a conservative, contrary to popular belief, but a liberal fiscally and in terms of the size and power of gov't. He is weak on the social issues too. I'm not crazy about McCain, but Obama would be the end of this country, appointing radical justices to uphold infanticide even to the extent of murdering the baby if it is delivered alive.

Now I the terms conservative and liberal are not exactly the same in both countries, and we have totally different systems. But in the US Christians still have a voice, unlike Canada. We have conservative media to balance the leftist media, unlike Canada (which explains all the naive views I get from Canadian Christians).

Not all right-wing evangelical Republicans are "southern rednecks". Some happen to live everywhere else in the country and are educated. Some live in Massachusetts, the most liberal state in the nation with their senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.

Thank God Gore didn't win in 2000; we would perpetually be cleaning up blown-up buildings! A real eye-opener looking at the 2000 election is that AMERICA NEVER ELECTS by majority vote of the population. The Constitution specifially designed the system to have an electoral college, so that single states or urban centers wouldn't always decide the results. We vote, indicating which way our elector votes in Washington. Regardless of the Florida turned out, Gore still lost. It has nothing to do with it.

The Bible has a lot to say about life and society. It actually informs the way we make decisions, especially when choosing will make decisions in areas God has already decided on. Canadians (in general) should read it some time.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I apologize if I was less than diplomatic, but I was only speaking about "Canadians" in the same way that my people were generalized. I do love you guys :)

Anonymous said...

I do apologize if I have offended anybody and it is indeed unfair to lump everybody together. I realize there are sincere Christians in all political parties..I abhor hypocrisy in any form. To see a person stand up and claim to be christian and all the while lining their pockets with ill begotten gains from some shady business deal really makes me angry..let me hasten to add I'm not refering to any one person or party here..I have seen more than enough of this in all parties both in Canada and the U.S.A. I detest greed and selfishness and it seems to me that the need to be rich and famous has overtaken a lot of people..and thats MY rant for the day! Love and Peace to all.

Anonymous said...

Much to think about. My faith and relationship with Christ informs most, of not all, areas of my life, despite the imperfections to be seen there. When it comes to politics and parties, I usually support the one that comes the closest to espousing the Biblical principles that I hold dear--an imperfect fit to be sure. But one tries.

Anonymous said...

As for the US trying to take over Canada, good luck! A friend and I were discussing just why the Nazis would not have been able to subjugate the entire country which led to discussion about weather the US could do so. The consensus was not so much, even if our military is something of a shadow of its former self after years of slash and burn budgets. The discussion started after I referenced once-secret plans from WWII. Plans to implement a scorched-earth policy in St. John, NB should the enemy managed to gain a foot-hold there--which was not as silly as it sounds. Remember, there was a time when it looked far from certain that the Allies would win, Sir Winston's stirring rhetoric notwithstanding, and enemy subs lurked at the very mouth of Halifax Harbour! To read of the plans to forcibly evict the civilian population and burn the city make for chilling reading considering the time that one spent in my beloved Loyalist City. Then there were the plans for a government-in-exile, and plans to spirit away the Royal Family should their refuge in Canada be threatened by invasion through Halifax and St. John. (It was assumed that, by that point, brave Britain would have fallen.) But, as usual, I digress, lol. It is doubtful that a country of this size could be taken, much less held easily. Perhaps the Atlantic Provinces through New England, and perhaps parts on Ontario and the Capital, but that would probably be about it, according to my bud.