Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's happening.

Today -
Gr. 6 student: "I checked the Wikipedia books - the stuff you asked for isn't in there."
Me: "You... checked the what?"
Him: "Wikipedia books."
Me: [blank stare, and then] "Do you mean the encyclopedia?"
Ever feel like you're fighting an uphill battle?


Sarah C said...

Thanks for that - I needed a laugh this morning :)

Cricket on the Hearth said...

You're welcome :) That [blank stare] bit happens a lot when I'm talking with my students, but on we go...

Anonymous said...

LOL, oh Sean!! Sounds like you're in good company with other teachers' I've known! My students were adults, so the episodes of blank staring in my part were somewhat rare, lol. <><

Anonymous said...

I don't get it... What's wrong with the Wikipedia books?! heh heh

~ Angelique

Anonymous said...

What makes this even funnier, and ironic, I think, for me, now that I think about it, is the fact that I did not know of the existence of Wikipedia--or even that there COULD be online encyclopedias'!!--until my first year at ADC!! Before that if you'd said "Wikipedia" I would have thought that you were mangling the word "encyclopedia" and started looking through one. LOL. <><