Monday, March 9, 2009

Squeaky clean

We've neglected the blog again, but this time we have a really good reason....we're moving! In 7 days we'll put our John Hancocks on the dotted line and we'll have ourselves a house. I can't WAIT to have my own backyard. I must admit, I'm still nervous that some catastrophe will befall us and it'll all come crashing down. Cheery, eh? That's why no pictures of the house yet. So...I'm going to post about Simeon instead (I'm sure no one will mind).

I was doing the dishes and I heard a lot of wild laughing coming from the bathroom where my son was supposed to be getting his bath. When I saw the cause of the ruckus I had to grab the camera.

We've always blow dried Simeon hair because 1) there's always been an unreasonable amount of it, and 2) his softspot always made me wary of towel drying the top of his head. Now he's taken matters into his own hands.

So that's an update and hopefully no meteors land on our home.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you did! Adorable!! :D
Babies--and little kids--just seem to LOVE water! Makes one wonder what happens later on, lol. Simeon has such a hearty laugh!
Very pleased to hear that you guys are going to have a house!! Sean can set up his weights again, Simeon can have a cool new room, and you can have a room for all of your crafty stuff, cool. :)

Unknown said...

too much!!! he'd fit right in with the boys here in korea who spend more time on their hair than girls. but they look *^#% great! hehehe

Anonymous said...

Godmother's pick out the best bath toys! As for the hairdryer, I've said all along he's a bit of a pretty boy! heh heh ~ A & K

Anonymous said...

please ignore that possessive apostrophe on my last post! ~ A