Saturday, August 18, 2007

The End.

So, I finished War and Peace. I read 8 other books between starting and finishing it. I feel exhausted. Props to Evelyn Downie for getting me started, although I missed the deadline (and missed it with pizzazz). Can I have an extension?

Ruth is halfway through her copy, but she's read about 20 other books since starting and she's also carrying a baby (go figure). If I could read half as fast as she can - well, I'd probably be a lot smarter. was a good book.

**Spoiler Warning**

Napolean loses.
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Unknown said...

bah! I made it to page 34 and quit. Something I had yet to publicly admit to :)

I wasn't really enjoying it, and I decided that it wasn't worth spending all that time on something I wasn't interested in. I may pick it up again, it'd probably be good for the thinker!

Anyway, kudos for finishing!

Cricket on the Hearth said...

LOL. That's hilarious. I had no idea! Well, thanks for coming out.

But if you ever do find yourself with some extra time on your hands (think, life sentence), you should definitely pick it up again. Overall it's an excellent read. But don't take my word for it...

Anonymous said...

"I'd be a lot smarter???!!!" Sean Anthony Carroll, if I had half--HALF--your smarts, I'd be doing something. You've been recognized by men such as Dr. D. and Dr. Mantz and Ching as such...has impending father-hood made you lose your mind?? FYI; you're one of the most intelligent and modest men I know. After all, I did not see anyone ELSE tapped to represent ABU at the Undergraduate Conference in Halifax, and, from all that I hear, you were one of the brightest lights in the first contingent of the ABU-Oxford group. If I had half your skill with a heavy bag, I'd make you see reason. Give yourself some credit. And good for you on tackling War and Peace. Though I admire Tolstoy to a certain degree I could not finish the book myself--a rarity for such a bibliophile as moi.

Rebecca Jane said...

War and Peace = groooan. I attempted evelyn's challenge and failed quite miserably!

Congratulations to the carrolls on coming baby - so exciting!

Cricket on the Hearth said...

Thanks Bekah! Good to see you again:) As of last weekend she has six weeks to go!