Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthday boy

Simeon is one year old! November 8th was the big day and it was pretty low key, we sang to him when he woke up and gave him his present. The real hullabaloo was to take place Sunday night. I had to give him a little help in blowing out the candle, but he had no problem figuring things out from there. He got to have cake AND ice cream - his first real taste of sugar. His cousins were on hand to help out with the passing out (and opening) of the gifts...and they were great at explaining what birthdays are. I'm not sure he took it all in, but they gave it their best shot anyway.This past year has gone by so quickly. When I see babies now it's hard to remember that little bundle that we held in our arms with the fuzzy shock of hair. I can't believe all the changes that he's gone through already; first word, crawling, solid foods and the first time when he reaches out to be held only by you - but before I get too teary Simeon wanted to say: Thanks Grammie & Grampy for hosting a great party.


Anonymous said...

So cute!! It looks as if he had a great time! (BTW, what WAS his first word?)

Anonymous said...

Hallowe'en Simeon? :)-

Anonymous said...

"First real taste of sugar." Hello climbing the walls? LOL. So cute, all of the little kids making such a fuss over him...aww. <><

Anonymous said...

Not suprising to see that it was Abbie taking charge! :o) Shout-out to you and Sean. I feel like baby's 1st birthday is such a "PHEWF" moment for parents. You made it!!!!!