Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time flies

I can't believe we haven't posted since December! Whoops :) Anyway, since a picture is worth a thousand words I'll do an image summary rather than bore you with an essay.
We cut down our own tree again this year - on the coldest day in December I think- and Simeon seemed just as unimpressed as he did last year. But we were very happy with the end result and Simeon had a great time helping decorate.
He loved his presents and wanted to play with them straight away. Here he is mastering the art of finger painting. Or having fun trying.He's turning into quite a ham and keeps us well entertained.
We had a lot of fun outings - one of which was a trip to Camp Tulakadik. Here's my brother-in-law honing his goalkeeping skills.Sean and I tried out the new trails on our snowshoes.

In other news this winter; our well stop working. We were boiling down snow for about a week but it wasn't too bad. It sure makes you appreciate running water though.
And in his spare time Simeon caught up on a little light reading over those cold winter months.

We'll be posting regularly again - so keep checking back. Thanks for the patience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
No worries, I am just happy to see you posting again!
The well not working...yuck. Back in the day on the farm ours went. Imagine: six people plus 5 head of cattle, 2 horses, pigs (in the pen!) and assorted other animals...Nightmare on Elm St. had nothing on us, lol.