Just got a very unexpected phone call from two Yemeni friends of ours, Hamed and Yousef (seen here), who are now studying in the United States. Thanks guys - it was great to hear from you!! Merry Christmas!
"To find a cricket on the hearth is the luckiest thing of all." ~Charles Dickens~
Cool. Always nice to hear from loved ones! :)
OMG! Hammed and Yousef! XD I heard Hammed went but I had no idea Yousef went too! I'll write them emails later ^_^
I wanted to show you some pics ^_^ two albums:
my art:
and...well... see and you'll get the idea XD just don't laugh too hard, those are OLD pics XD
^_^ write me an email sometime, k? I really want to know how you two get the time to write all that. I have a lot on my mind but i can't seem to be able to put it in my blog XD
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