Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe and Stephane Dion; who would have thought? I feel like I'm in that movie where the awkward girl becomes popular against the odds, so the cheerleaders decide to take her down because they don't want her to become prom queen. Well if you haven't seen the film the bottom line is that the cheerleaders are vindictive drama queens. Sound familiar? The funny thing is that I didn't even vote Conservative in the last election (wasn't that just last week?) but I am furious that these guys - in the interest of the Canadian people of course- are trying to overthrow the government. Who do they think they are???? I'm so glad that we voted, our voices were really heard weren't they. I've called the NDP and the Liberal offices and left messages saying how outraged I am. I haven't bothered the Bloc because I don't hold any hope that they'll care what I have to say - Plus if I'm forced to speak to someone in French I'll make quite a fool out of myself. In short, if you're as upset about this as I am please contact the NDP and Liberal offices.


Sherrie said...

Just some thoughts - what they're attempting is constitutional, and most of the country did not in fact vote for a Conservative government. Until proportional representation comes around, I think there are bound to be crazy situations like this one!

Sherrie said...

Oops - forgot to finish my thought. My point is that no, our votes weren't really heard and they can't be with the current non-proportional-representation election system.

Anonymous said...

What they're attempting to do is technically constitutional, but hardly within its spirit. I, too, am annoyed.

Cricket on the Hearth said...

I do realize that this is legal, but it seems spiteful and immature. If they feel the majority of Canada doesn't want Harper in, then they should propose changes to our system, not form a club to get the uncool kids out. Plus, we all know that when they get in there to magically fix everything, they'll say "Oh, we didn't reallize it was this bad; guess we can't do what we said we would." This is all very cynical but I feel like we've been putting up with toddler-like temper tantrums for the last decade and I'm sick of it. Have a great day everybody! lol :)

justanotherthought said...

humm... Before leaving a comment, I need to say that I am one of those people that see this coalition as an exiting time for all Canadians. Yes, we all know by now that this is legal and a normal procedure in Parliament government.
I am quite surprised at all the people that are annoyed /frustrated at this. Harper behaved badly, and I lost confidence in him (can’t blame MPs if they did, too) I'm not writing this in the hopes of making an argument for why the coalition could be a good thing for our country. I can appreciate that some of the people are frustrated that Dion is the leader of this coalition. And, even I can agree that he is not the grade A choice for Government (but this is part of the excitement people –there will be a change in that). Regardless of the position you take on this political situation, I think it is a time to reevaluate our government and I thank the coalition for that opportunity. I've read many arguments against and for the coalition. People are divided.
My point is that making the coalition team seem "immature" and "spiteful" just as one might blame Harper for all of our economical problems (hey, he didn’t help, but even I will admit he's not the sole reason)does not bring people to understand each other. It brings people in defensive mode, and divides them even deeper into their ideological corners. It seems that (and I am generalizing here) that most people who are against the coalition have been taking this approach, and I think (my opinion) is that it hardly brings about the real issues behind this complicated situations. I do not find it productive at all.
But, this is only my two cents. I am saying this with the respect of all opinions with the belief this is the time to speak up and listen to each other.
Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

Good call, Lady Ruth!!
Well, whatever the failings of the government, it seems as if the coalition partners are the ones being stupid. We don't have time for this kind of crap while the economy circles the drain. Hopefully Her Excellency's prougation of Parliament will give tempers time to cool.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought--Let's try praying for our politicians as much as we criticize. Maybe it would make a difference in us if not them.
Shirley G

Cricket on the Hearth said...
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