For those of you who were curious, this is what Simeon's cloth diapers look like. We've got the whole spectrum of vibrant colours in these little marvels. They work wonderfully; we're so happy with them, and they sure save a pile of money!
(Those little white things are the adjustable snaps.)
Yay, cloth! Were those ones made or purchased? They look great!
Hi Sherrie! These ones were purchased from Azure Wraps in Montreal. Fan-diddly-tastic.
vewy intewesting.
My bro and his wife want to use cloth diapers as well... which kind are you guys using? it looks like there are different styles with inserts and what not?
Interesting indeed. Although I am usually an adovcate of pretty much anything that will help out the earth that we've been given stewardship of by God, I cannot see me using cloth diapers for my son or daughter. The "ewww" factor alone must be...well...
Cute though! :)
(Just adding my two cents) There are a million (more or less) types and it is a bit confusing at first. :) The "ew factor" is pretty much non-existent (it's not like you have to scrub them by hand or something) and the environmental benefits are definitely worth the extra work (which is also minimal, as it only takes the time to put them in the washer and move them to the dryer or clothesline.) You still have to see, smell, and clean poop off of your baby if he or she is wearing disposables. G diapers might be of interest if you're looking for more responsible diapers with loads of cute and more like disposables, as they have flushable inserts.
Thanks, Sherrig, for the information. :)
But, what about cleaning the poop off of the diaper itself? When I changed Di most of the poo remained on the diaper and went in the trash. And the smell of dirty diapers sitting around waiting for laundry..? It's not as if one can fire up the washer for each individual nappy. But yes, no doubt they are a good alternative? Hmmm...this sitting at a keyboard at the wee hours, eyes propped open with match-sticks reminds me of my student days at ABU when a deadline loomed and I'd taken far too many lessons in procrastination from Sean. :)-
So, when will a pic of Simeon and his parents together go up?
And, do you plan on sending out those cool birth announcements-card-thingys? <><
For breastfed babies, you just toss the whole thing in the wash (you do a cold rinse first which gets most of it off, and the hot wash gets the rest). When the poo is more solid, you plop it in the toilet first. As for the smell, it's the same if not better than disposables, as it's in a sealed pail and doesn't have that weird powdery smell. And they get washed pretty much every day here, so they don't fester. :)
Cool. Thanks, Sherreig!!! <><
No problem - I just like to share the good news about cloth. :) Sorry if I dominated the comments! ;)
Also, with ours we place a thin, biodegradable, septic-friendly sheet (the thickness of toilet paper) over the hemp insert. This sheet gets lifted right out of the diaper and flushed, so all solids are gone. We wash them with tea tree oil and baking soda. This (edp. the oil) is a far better cleansing agent than any detergent on the market. Works wonders.
(that was supposed to say "esp. the oil") :)
Hey , NP. The things you learn!! :)-
Always gathering ideas and information for that far-off, yet much-hoped for day when I have children of my own to rear. You'd think that helping to raise two littler sisters' would have put me off of it, but nor so much!
So, the sheet-insert does not bunch and become all uncomfortable for Simeon? And how often do you need to change him these days?? And why is it that just breast-fed babies diapers get tossed in the washer? Are formula-fed babies poo grosser? (Sorry Sean about the crappy's way past one am now...) I mean, Di's would make one green around the gills at times, so breast-fed babies are less so? Or do they just poo less? Di was a little poop-factory! (LOL, imagine, her wedding in 40 years--yes FORTY years...she is my" wee door-mouse" after all---when someone trots that sentence out! LOL.)
BTW, what are "G diapers?"
No, they don't. The sheets stay perfectly and comfortably aligned with the hemp pad. I can assure you here, there are NO cons to modern cloth diapering. No mess, no smell. They work better, are WAY cheaper, and aren't toxic (whereas disposables are toxic enough to kill a cat with their gases alone - seriously). Many people seem unconvinced, but we're not lying and we're not hiding anything here. It's the way to go.
Any further questions can be directed to
Once again, yay cloth! :) G diapers are essentially a whole flushable diaper (sort of like the liner mentioned) in a reusable wrap. Very cute! ( ) I haven't tried them, but hear they're pretty decent. And apparently it is the case that formula-fed babies have stinkier poop. :)
Huh. Cool, thanks, guys. :) Good information to have. <><
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