Saturday, April 19, 2008

Well Then

On the same visit that produced the typewriter, Dad stumbled upon a second well on the property. Having previously seen the ends of these rotted and be-mossed planks under the hay on the hill, he decided to dig them up and clear them out. What he found was this:
And then this: A very old and beautifully executed fieldstone well.
Then he decided to clean the debris out. In the absence of a net, he climbed down into the well, bracing his feet against the loose stones. I thought, "Maybe not such a good idea." But if YOUR dad was about to fall into an old and frigid well, wouldn't YOU want to be there taking pictures too?
Anyway, he got out safely and we put a new covering on the well. Here now is a shot from the ecosystem on top of the old planks:
It had been raining off and on that day, and this little fellow had filled his raindrop-catching quota (the quota being 1); happy was he.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Happy was he!..." LOL. Only you, Sean, only you! :_)
It is amazing, though, what one discovers when one moves into an old farmhouse, eh? Some of the stories I could share about some discoveries that Dad and I made when we moved into an entire ROOM in the barn just full of old books and antiques, some in great shape, some not so much; most more than a hundred years old. It was cool. My mind had a field day (hehehe), my asthma not so much. Looks like you and your dad had a ball, though. <><